XIQS Get Card Transaction Status

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XIQS Get Card Transaction Status - Sim Card Transaction Management

getXIQSCardTransacStatus ( Long id_transac )
Long id_transac
Id of a SIM card Transaction
Return Values
Long id - SIM Transaction Id
Integer method - One of: Call (0) / SMS (1) / Ussd (2) / UssdSms (4) / IvrSms (5)
Integer status - One of: (0) Command waiting to be sent / (1) Command Sent To GSM Port / (3) Action Failed / (4) Action Successful / (5) Transaction will be retried
Long lastupdate - Last status modification date
Long error - Error status code
Possible values:
0 - Success
1 - General Error
2 - Timeout
3 - Transaction already in progress
4 - Port status not REGISTERED
5 - Invalid Transaction Command
6 - Invalid ICCID
7 - Invalid Slot Number
8 - Invalid Port Number
9 - Error send USSD/SMS/CALL command
10 - Error Module switched off
11 - USSD Call Transaction Canceled Current Voice Call hanged up
13 - USSD Canceled SET SIM received from SIM server
14 - USSD not supported
15 - One of the N SMS is missing if TF_MULTI_SMS_NEEDED
16 - Nth SMS too long to fit in message answer
17 - Time out during delivery report
18 - Time out on first Msg returned
19 - Telit CUSD answer 3 - other local client has responded
20 - Telit CUSD answer 4 - operation not supported
21 - Telit CUSD answer 5 - network time out
100 - Sim Manager failed to parse valid response (Set by SimManager)
101 - Activation: Refill is needed first
102 - Activation: Sim already activated
103 - Refill: Voucher already used
104 - Refill: Invalid Voucher
105 - No Service Available
106 - Sim Blocked by Gsm Operator
200 - Transaction aborted by ICM (only for HBS Transaction)
301 - Unable to send Transaction
302 - Error sending Transaction
303 - Timeout waiting Transaction Response
Long id_card - SIM Id
Long imsi - SIM IMSI
Long id_device - GSM Device Id
Integer devport - GSM Device Port number
Long timeout - Timeout (in seconds)
String command - Transaction command
String response1 - Transaction answer 1
String response2 - Transaction answer 2
String response3 - Transaction answer 3
String response4 - Transaction answer 4
String response6 - Transaction answer 5
String response6 - Transaction answer 6
String response7 - Transaction answer 7
String response8 - Transaction answer 8
String response9 - Transaction answer 9
String response10 - Transaction answer 10
Error Data structure ( Error Management )
Possible failure code returns
See Also
Personal tools
XIQS XML Protocol
XIQS Framework Libraries
XIQS Command List